Saturday, April 25, 2015

The American Period

Historical both France and the United States overthrew their monarchs; because of this, they n now wanted a democracy. The idea of a neoclassicism represented their political aspirations. An important document, where we see the shift from a monarch to a democracy was the Declaration of Independence in 1776. This was the beginning of American architecture and design. Federal Neoclassical was were we start to really see characteristics of American design. This characteristics include armrest being curved/ straight legs on chairs, and daybeds being popular. Duncan Phyfe a Scotman who was best known for the Regency Empire was very influential during this time. He specialized in daybeds and used metal claw tips on table legs. The characteristics of his style in this period were rolled backs, sofas having rolled ends, lyre motif and cornucopia leg. 

Duncan Phyfe Sofa

Other influential furniture pieces during the Federal Neoclassical period was the Hitchcock chair. Another design style that came about was the Shaker. This style valued political and religious freedom. Characteristics of this style was that everything had two, for example there were two entrances, stairways and even sleeping quarters for men and women. This style was elegant yet simple. Cast iron stoves were used and chairs included a ladder back. 
Shaker Style Chair

As time goes, change also occurs such as machine production. Machines were able to create great proportions, details, and embellishments. Machines were able to combine different styles in a single furniture piece. From this came about the Victorian period. The Victorian period architectural were elaborate, romantic and emotional. Architecture and design in many ways defined an individuals social class. Homes during this period were room and included lots of small rooms because everything was still two. Each room had its function, this rooms included dark heavy drapery, dark wood and dark floors. Where as the exteriors of these homes were painted in bright colors. Whenever I think of the Victorian period, I think of the David Davis Mansion, which is a great example for the Victorian Period.

David Davison Mansion

In general, I really enjoyed looking at this period because, I know what is to come after this period because I took History II first. So its pretty cool to see how design has changed and is continuing to change. Can't wait to see the future of interior of design and the history we are making!

Current Applications 

I thought that these were good examples of modern day Victorian style interiors, because they are very elegant and have a feminine touch to them. 

Peer Review

I reviewed Shannon and Alexandra Blog's. 

Shannon did a great job at explaining the American period. I liked how she started by giving background information about the history of the period. I also liked how she focused on Duncan Phyfe- I liked the sourced pictures of his couch from the American period as well as finding the modern pictures of the same couch with a fun, bright twist! 

Alexandra did an excellent job at describing the characteristics of the furniture during this period. Her current applications were also great because you can tell the connection to the American period in the 1800's!


This was a great video giving ideas on how to design a house in a Victorian Style Period way!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

French Renaissance (Neoclassical)

"Neoclassicism is a broad term for the artistic tradition whose artists reacted against Rococo art by embracing simplicity and geometric purity"

France Neoclassicism depicted a new way of constructing art in relation to a new way of governing the country. The style art-equals-politics emerged during the Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette period. "Known as gout grec, or Greek taste, the first Neoclassical iteration occurred in the final decades of the the French monarchy, or ancient regime." The characteristics of the the French Neoclassic, design style included: simpler materials, a lack of applied surface ornamentation, symmetry and pure forms. 

French furniture during this period consisted of of straight lines with the back being squared and slightly vertical. Georges Jacob, a furniture designer, created many furniture pieces, these include, the Louis XVI Neoclassical armchair. 

George Jacobs, Louis XVI armchair, 1770.

Throughout time furniture pieces during this period, became more austre, with even straighter lines and simpler patterns. An example of this was the Louis XVI side chair (no arms). 

Louis XVI side chair.

As time continues within this period, not only does furniture change but also its leadership. Napoleon became emperor in 1804 and his style became known as the Empire. Both the Empire and the Directorate style previously was known for its use of details. This included light profiles and complexity. A famous artist during this section of the period, David. His work was simple yet very complex. His work is seen throughout this period. 

Jacques-Louis David. Madame Recamier.

I really enjoyed looking at this section of the French Renaissance, specifically the furniture!

Current Applications

Peer Review!

In general it was interesting to review individuals blogs on the different periods within the French Renaissance. I reviewed Nicole and Stephanie blog. 

Nicole's blog did a great job of giving the overview the French Renaissance, I enjoyed how she focused on the different architectural elements of this period. I also reviewed Stephanie's blog, I really enjoyed her take on the French Renaissance, describing it as "The French Renaissance was a time where the "royal taste" determined the style of the rest of the country and even world". She also did a great job at showing different architectural places within this period. I also enjoyed, how she compared the French Renaissance style to modern homes today. 


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Spanish Renaissance

The 16th century was the start of the most amazing era in Spanish History. Influenced by the Italian Renaissance and the need for its craftsmen. There was a new focus on art, literature and science. The beginning of the Spanish Renaissance was due to political and some religious reasons. There are many amazing examples of the such as the Alhambra, Granada in 1354. This structure was the last of palaces constructed before the expulsion of the moors. The outside was deceiving because it's exterior was plain, but the inside included numerous courtyards, filled with gardens, fountains and pools.

Other examples such as the La Mota Castle, which was built with concrete was faced with brick. There was also the Granada Cathedral, which was inspired my the Gothic period because it included Gothic like columns in size, and Gothic vaults. One of my favorite structures from this period was the Cathedral of Seville, it was a huge structure that demonstrated its cities wealth, during this period. It includes 80 chapels and had 500 masses daily.

One interesting characteristics about the Spanish Renaissance was its Spanish silversmith. Its work was used on exteriors, church buildings, furniture and accessories. The Desornamentado Phase was a powerful style that included unornamented designs, The El Escorial was an example of this style. This building was known for its simple and plainness in design. Next the Baroque Style took over, this style consisted of sculptures, wood carvers and architects. The El transparente was an example of this style. 

Residential design was influenced by Moorish design and used many elaborate decorations. Interiors during this period included superb iron grilles, that were placed on windows, openings, and wrought-iron handrails. Color tiles, and pine-paneled, painted and carved ceilings, were also an characteristics of interiors in this period. Materials of upper floors, were: tile, stone, brick, or wood. Spain was also known for its fine leather work. Alot of the decorations that were within this interiors were well made, and paid attention to details, for example the handmade cute pile carpets, rugs, and mats. 

Furniture within this period was simple yet bold, used heavy proportions. Rectangles shaped items were preferred, walnut wood was common used, and colors such as mahogany were seen. Furniture such as the Sillon De Frailero, benches that were wooden, there was also a stand called Vargueno Puente. The taquillion, it was a chest that could be used as a base of the Varguerno. I really enjoyed the Spanish bed, it was made of wood but looked like wrought-iron railings. In general the Spanish Renaissance was an amazing one!

Current Applications

Peer Review

I reviewed Nichole K, Micah blogs, both were great! Nichole's blog did a great great at explaining the Spanish Renaissance, her video that depicted the furniture during this period was also very good and informative.

I also reviewed Micah's blog which was really good. Her current applications really showed what the characteristics of the Spanish Renaissance, with a modern twist.


This video gives a great tour on the architecture throughout this period.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Italian Renaissance

The Renaissance period typically begins to look within Florence, Italy. The evolve of attention to buildings led to not only the creation of beautiful structures but also the move towards democracy. The first example of a Renaissance interior was the Palazzo Davanzati, which was a traditional house. The family was one of the important social units within Italy. One of the most important figures in the early Renaissance period was, Filippo Brunelleschi. He is known for his attention to detail throughout his structures. A interesting fact about him is that he was also credited for the creation of the one point perspective. 

The Capitoline Hill was one of seven hills that provided an excellent view to Renaissance Rome. Another influential individuals within this period was Michelangelo. His works included the  redesign of the of the Campidoglio. His design consisted of a classic Renaissance design story that was a contrast between medieval urban and architectural tradition of the Renaissance. 

Church design in the Renaissance period was a continuation of the Early Christian basilica form. A unique and rare example of a centrally planned church was the Santa Maria della Consolazione in Todi. This plan was symmetry and was "indicated by one apse that was made of line segments; the other curved". Throughout researching more about this period I learned that the Todi form was both bilaterally and radially symmetrical. (Bilaterally symmetrical meaning it has "two halves of a composition are mirror images of each other") 

The Italian Renaissance had many pieces of furniture that were a specific to this time period, such as the sedia chair, the sgabello which was a stool, the x chair, a chest which was known as an cassapanca, and many more. Their was also a bed that I found pretty interesting.  

Current Application

Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Americas

"It is not a deficit in terms of high-quality objects for inclusion, but it is a deficit in the sense that these items have not traditionally taken a prominent role in design histories."

The Americas was from 2000 B.C.-1521 A.D. The very first Americans were hunter-gathers. There were 4 different groups within this period: Olmecs, Mayans-Toltecs, Incas, and Aztecs. 

The Olmec culture was from 2000 B.C. to 200 B.C. This culture was the first major civilization in Mexico, but came to a unknown violent end. Within there existence, they were known for the first example of the temple that focused on city type. These areas included ceremony centers for: ball court and burial grounds. The outdoor ball courts were a important part of the ceremonial center. 

The Monte Alban, Ball Court 

The Aztecs were in Mexico and took place during the Spanish conquest, and could be considered apart of the post-classic groups. These individuals created impressive pyramids. What led to the Aztec culture was the existence of the city of Teotihuacan. In many ways, these two cultures were very similar and valued many of the same ideas. The Aztecs were both a cultural and a political entity. The capital for the Aztecs was Tenochtitlan: within Tenochtitlan was the temple Mayor. A rare, yet important piece of furniture within this culture was the Throne of Montezuma. 

The Mayans-Toltecs were in central America and the existence of this culture is centered around the remains of the Mayans previously. 

The central pyramid at Chichen-Itza, now known as El Castillo. 

The Jaguar Throne

The Mayans-Toltecs culture used furniture such as the Jaguar Throne, which was a mid-height seat, with no back arms or rest. "Its chief function is to provide visual impact, with little obvious attention to comfort", This piece of furniture was not intended to be used everyday but a seat for ceremonial use. 

The Inca culture was in Peru and can be dated to 1438-1532. This culture is known for its stone-masonry. I thought that it was interesting how they "used outcrops of rock of rock as a foundation of the structures they built". They put much thought into their architecture, which were usually rectilinear in shape and planning. 

Inca ruins of Machu Picchu

Learning and researching the history of the Americas period was very interesting to look at. 

Current Applications!

This imaged remembered of the call courts that were very prominent during the Americas period.

The use of stone in both of these interiors,  compared to the Inca culture and their use of stone.

Peer Reviews!

I reviewed Tara and Haley H. blog this week.

I enjoyed Tara's description of the Americas period and her current application, especially the wall paper one. Her current applications related much to the Americas period. 

I also reviewed Haleys' blog and it was great as well. Her description of the period was right on. I also enjoyed her current applications and her addition research on the Machu Picchu, with her video.


I was really interested in the Inca cultures stone techniques, so I found an interesting video that explores the stone from the Inca culture. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015


"The word Gothic was widely used in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to refer to art that was specifically not Italian and not Renaissance." Gothic architecture is known for its use of flying buttresses, stained glass, and ribbed vaults. Gothic architecture is important because it was a whole architectural system that consists of plans, sections, facades, and other details. We see the use of these elements in many structures such as the Notre Dame de Paris, Wells Cathedral, Regensburg Cathedral, Barcelona Cathedral, and many other ones. Compared to the Romanesque design, the Gothic period was more elaborate and comfortable. The Gothic period interiors were carefully planned to affect individuals mood and spirit, in regards to religion.


I really enjoyed looking at the interiors of these spaces, the attention to detail that went into these interiors is breathe taking. When thinking of Gothic style, I thought it would be dark and used colors such as blacks and reds. I was completely surprised by what we learned in class. I really think that this period was a time that individuals placed an importance to details, I see this in many examples. I also think that it was interesting how they built their structures as a way to reach God.

Much of the Gothic periods furniture used the arch as an element of design. The Gothic periods furniture seems to resemble its architecture. The emphasis on height and sized played an important role in the design of many furniture pieces. A chair in this period took on many functions such as it was used as a seating element and also storage. The use of chairs in this period was rare, many individuals used benches, chests, or stools to sit on.

I really enjoyed learning about this period!

Current applications:


This video was very interesting and gave a overview of the Gothic period. He started talking about how the Gothic period came about and its history. He went though multiple topics from the Gothic period such as it architecture, art, and even the use of light throughout this period.

Peer Review!

This week I reviewed Miryam and Shannon's blog.

Miryam gave a great overview of the Gothic period as a whole. Her distribution was very easy and interesting to read, putting detail in what elements were important during this period. I really enjoyed how she described cathedrals design, "Cathedrals had an unbelievable weightless feel to them". I thought the same thing when learning about this period.

I also reviewed Shannon,s Blog, which was great as well. You can tell she put much thought into her current applications. You use the use of multiple elements of the Gothic period, throughout her images. I also enjoyed how she pointed out key characteristics in this period.