Sunday, October 26, 2014

Continued Modernism in America

In between World War I and World War II  there was a group of successful architects that came over to America. By these architects coming over to America it allowed them to express themselves by doing what they loved. Architects such as Irving Gill, Frank Lloyd Wright, Rudolph Schindler, Richard Neurta, William Lescaze, Philp Johnson, Mies Van Der Rhoe and many others influenced Modernism in America, the use of glass and natural elements characterized Modernism in America. We see the use of bring natural elements into many structures, they did this a lot of times by using there surroundings as inspiration.

Philp Johnson, Glass Water

Frank Lloyd Wright, Falling Waters

As Modernism continued throughout America we see many "veterans" become educators and mentors to up and coming architects. 

Current Applications:

These interiors and exteriors reminded me of the continued Modernism period in America for its use of glass and just using its environment to create these spaces to be within its surrounding. 

The continued Modernism in America was a period I really enjoyed for its use of just simple yet very complexed designs. 

Peer Discussion 

I really enjoyed reading Flors Blog because she really gave great discussion of Modernism in America. Flors video in her blog was also very interested and I leaned more about the Glass House from watching it. 
Another Blog I really enjoyed was Sammy for her content in her Blog she really went through this period and explained in much detail the numerous individuals that played a part in this movement. 


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