Monday, January 26, 2015

Ancient Egypt

Egyptian history can be characterized by its colorful traits and impressive monuments. The period of the Egyptians was divided into three different periods, the Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom, and the New Kingdom. Egypt was the center of the Niles and it made it easier for them to gather large amounts of stone. Due to there abundance of stone and their strong centralized power, Egyptians monumental architecture had many achievements.

Around 5200 B.C.E, Egyptians started practicing agriculture. They formed small villages where many items were discovered such as: flint blades, grain pits and animal bones.

As stated before the Egyptian period was divided into multiple monuments. The Old Kingdom which was the age of pyramid.

The Middle Kingdom was the period where pharaohs paid more attention to building and outfitting the great Pylon temples. 

The New Kingdom was "the age of Egyptian art and architecture, an age of prosperity and considerable architectural and achievements."

There was many materials used throughout this period such as: the lotus blossoms, papyrus reeds, mud, brick, wood and stone.

While reviewing Ancient Egypt, I find their floor plans such as the craftsman's residence and country villa very interesting because of the way that laid everything out.  

Egypt Interior Architecture and Decoration can be characterized by its hierarchical status, its plaster and mural paintings. They also can be characterized by their columns which were made of sandstone. Their flooring was made of mud plaster or brick with subdued colors. Their walls were applied with plaster to mud or brick, they painted on wet plaster. Also they they used more intense colors. Some other elements of Egypts' interior were their crowned cornice doors and their openwork screen windows. 

Egypt furniture was influenced by religion and familiar objects. Furniture pieces included seating (stools, chairs, mortise/tenon joints, dovetail joints, and dowels), tables, beds, storage pieces and decorative artifacts. 

After reviewing and researching Ancient Egypt, I was interested in comparing it to modern times.

Peer Review!

I read Alexandra and Emma blogs. I really enjoyed how they both described and broke down, the different aspects of Ancient Egypt. Their descriptions were detailed and very easy to understand. 


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