Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Ancient Greek

The history of Greece was an amazing one. There was multiple periods such as the Bronze Age(3000-1000B.C.E), the Minoan Period(3000-1400B.C.E.), and the Mycenean Civilization(1600-1100B.C.E). The Mycenaean which was the mainland and the Minoan Crete were ancient to ancient Greece.The most important structure throughout these periods was the palace. 

The Palace of Knossos was the most important palace on Crete. 

The mainland where civilization took place was known as the Mycenae. One interesting element of Ancient Greece was the columns. Columns were inverted and distinctive to this civilization. Some characteristics of Greece included their amazing temples. "The development of the Greek temple was another way of forging a common identity".

Temple of Hera

Three styles of columns were included in the temple structure, the Doric, Ionic, and the Corinthian. 

Greek domestic of Greece interiors and decorations were beautiful. These interiors included plastered and painted floors, which consisted of mosaic techniques (pebbles, glass, stone). Walls were also plastered with mud bricks.

Furniture throughout this period included materials such as leather and cords. Inlay was gold, ivory and gems. Copper, bronze, iron, and wood was also materials used. Seat furniture included thronos, klismos, kline, and diphros. 

I really enjoyed studying this period because of the different shapes and patterns that are seen throughout the exterior and interior of the structures. 

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This video gives a great depiction of ancient Greece.

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