I really enjoyed learning about the Early Christian period because I thought it was really cool how many of their structures during these time period were so connected to religion. I was able to relate to much of the information that went behind these creations.
"The decline of Rome and the Rise of Christ" was an important factor to look at when discussing The Early Christian period, which was from 330-800. Although we see the decline of the Roman period, form and style continued on throughout Early Christian dress, paintings, sculpture, and furniture. Another element that was passed done from the Romans was two architectural forms: the straightforward basilica and the centrally planned domed space.
Centrally planned domed space
Straightforward Basilica
Many of the various elements that went into these structures were because they wanted to represent the cross on which Jesus was crucified. Early Christian started around Western Europe. This is important while we begin looking into the Byzantine period. Although the Early Christian period was located around Western Europe, we see Early Christian churches throughout Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.
Sant' Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna is an example of a Early Christian church. We talked and watched a video about this structure in class, and I was completely fascinating by this church. I would really like to go view this structure one day.
There weren't many examples of furniture in the Early Christian period but we do see some pieces such as the throne and stool. Storage was the most important element in the Early Christian period.
Still to today we see churches designed in similar ways as in the Early Christian period.
Current Applications.
We see the use of the inward shape in this modern church.
These two churches reminded me of the idea of the Centrally planned domed space.
When I was younger, I attended Catholic school (St.Sabina) and this is an image of the church we had Mass in every week. When we were studying the Early Christian period, I was able to compare this church to churches from the previous time period discussed.
This video is a great depiction of structures in the Early Christian period. It is detailed and displays the different parts, of the church.
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