Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Just as Romanesque design, Islamic design is also centered around religion. "Without Islam there is no Islamic design, and with Mohammed, there is no Islam". After learning about the Islamic period, I was truly intrigued by numerous structures throughout this time period. The creation of the mosque is seen throughout this period, the first one being, Mohammed's farm.

Another piece of architectural in this period was the Great Mosque of Kairouan. 

Islamic design and mosque began to spread throughout many regions. In Saharan and sub-Saharan Africa, Islam worked within he traditions of Africa. They used local materials and everything used to construct these structures came "from and return to the earth. The mosque created in Saharan were made of materials such as mud specially sun-dried mud bricks skim-coated with an outer layer of mud. A familiar location that we are all familiar with is Hagia Sophia in Anatolia. This mosque did not begin as one, but was later converted into one. In Persia "mosques accomplished a form of architectural appropriation of a different sort". One of the key aspects of the Islamic design in Isfahan was the "vertical architectural surfaces that resemble carpets".This made walls look carpet of the floor and floors like like walls. The Mughal Empire was another location that Islamic design is seen throughout, What makes this location different is the that standards for Islamic luxury design, was set in The Mughal Empire.

The minbar

Islamic Interiors and Furniture were focused on the mosque. Furniture pieces such as the minbar were essential for the mosque. The use of geometric designs is seen throughout Islamic interiors. 

Current Applications!

The use of the horseshoe arch is seen in this interior. 

The decoration on the walls of this interior reminds me of the concept of walls resembling floor carpet. 

This is an example of a modern day, interior of a mosque. 

Peer View!

I reviewed Miryam and Alexandra Blog on the Islamic period.

Miryam did a great job on her current application. Her images really showed Islamic design off well. After reviewing her blog, I noticed that we had an current application in common, which was interesting to see the similarities. 

Alexandra blog was great as well. She went into detail on the residential architecture in this period and showed how it was placed a certain way and reason behind it. 

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