Wednesday, February 11, 2015


A period that was considered to be based on Roman architectural elements, The Romanesque period was from 800-1150. Elements such as the Roman arch inspired much of this periods design. "KNown for its functions and general shift toward feudalism". Biocolored stone work was one of the Romanesque period dominant features. Other materials such as masonry was used, as well as colors such as rich greens, blues purples and golds. 

The Throne of Dagobert and the Charlemagne's throne were two popular pieces of furniture that led to the different designs seen throughout this period. Both of pieces of furniture were named after to figures of authority. The Throne of Dagobert was made out of metal, this chair was both ecclesiastical and secular. It was able to fold and very portable. By looking at this throne, in my opinion it seems to look very unconformable and I personal do not think I would be able to sit in it for a long period of time. Placed on a raised platform the Charlemagne's throne was because who sat in it. This chair was constructed of marble sheets. The original Charlemagne's throne is currently located in,one of the key structures of this time period the Odo von Metz, Palatine Chapel, Aix-la-Chapelle.

Romanesque church plans were a development of the Early Christian period. These structures followed closer around the form of the basilica with an apse. The difference of the structures constructed within this period was the transept. Adding this put much focus on the alter within the church. This new plan now resembles and took on the shape of a crucifix. The church throughout this period added many other parts that defined it as the church during the Romanesque period. There were three different categories that a Romanesque church could have fell into; Urban pilgrimage sites, sprawling rural monasteries, or a modest parish church. 

Houses during the Romanesque Period lacked privacy, and were simple in design. Furniture such as the chest had multiple purposes in the Romanesque period, they were used as both a chest in the home and also a piece of luggage. The chest was a very significant and useful piece of furniture, it is cool to see how functional furniture during this time period were.

Current Application!

Recently Shannon and I visited Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. Before I even learned about the Romanesque period, this location screamed "Roman". This is a photo I took while walking into Caesars Palace. After learning about the Romanesque period I saw many key features that depicted this period, such as the tile work.


This video I viewed was very cute and just gave belief description on the characteristics, examples, and history of the the Romanesque period!

Peer View!

I reviewed Paige S. and Alexandra F Blogs on the Romanesque Period.

I enjoyed how Paige focused much on the churches during this time period, and gave details on how many churches were constructed and the materials used within them. I also really enjoyed Paige current application of a church in Denmark, it was an excellent example!

Alexandra F. Blog was also very enjoyable to read and look through. She gave details on the churches, houses, and furniture of this period. I also liked how she compared the chest during that time to a modern application of a stationary storage piece. 

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